Getting started

  • To get started, you’ll find extensive examples in the examples directory of OpenDiHu. Also see the Existing examples page.

  • To build an example, cd into a subdirectory under examples, e.g. examples/laplace/laplace2d. In this directory, run scons. See the Installation page for details.

  • To build the release target, simply use on of sr, scons, scons BUILD_TYPE=release or scons BUILD_TYPE=r (how to set up the aliases, see Define aliases and environment variables)

  • To build the debug target, use one of sd, scons BUILD_TYPE=debug or scons BUILD_TYPE=d.

  • To use multiple processes at once, add the -j option, e.g. scons BUILD_TYPE=r -j 4 to build the release target with 4 processes. This is not needed for the sr shortcut as this does it automatically.

    cd $OPENDIHU_HOME/examples/laplace/laplace2d
    mkorn && sr
  • There will be executables created in the build_debug or build_release subdirectories. Change into one of these directories and run the program with a settings file as only argument:

    cd build_release
  • Output files in this example (and likewise in the other examples) will be created under the out subdirectory. If you look into out, you’ll find two files: and laplace.vtr.

    The *.vtr files can be visualized using Paraview. The *.py files can be visualized using the plot script in opendihu/scripts.

    It is useful to add the scripts directory to the PATH environment variable, e.g. by adding the line export PATH=$PATH:$OPENDIHU_HOME/scripts to your .bashrc file as mentioned on the Define aliases and environment variables page.

    Then, you can run <*.py-output files> anywhere to visualize the output. Usually the shortcut plot instead of should also work. (Unless you have installed something different with the name plot).

    An often used command is, thus, plot out/*. If arguments are ommited, i.e., just plot, it is the same as plot *.py.

    In our example, the command could be

    plot out/
  • The source files are located in the src subdirectory. The files to be compiled are specified in SConscript. There, you can, for example, comment out the examples that you don’t want to compile every time.

  • Now, change into src (i.e. into …/examples/laplace/laplace2d/src) and open laplace_regular.cpp. This is the main file of the 2D Laplace model.

    // ...
    > equationDiscretized(settings);
    // ...

    As can be seen, the equation Δu = 0 is discretized by the Finite Element Method on a structured regular grid of dimension 2, basis functions are Lagrange of order 2, and the Quadrature scheme is Gauss quadrature with 3 gauss points per dimension.

    • Now change the quadratic to linear Lagrange basis functions, by changing LagrangeOfOrder<2> to LagrangeOfOrder<1>.

    • Change into the build_debug directory (cd ../build_debug).

    • If you have set the aliases, you can recompile with sdd. Otherwise go up one directory and run scons BUILD_TYPE=d -j 4.

    • Now, from the build_debug directory, run the new executable with

    ./laplace_regular ../
    • Plot the result with plot out/*.

  • Test the parallel execution and run the same program with the same settings file on two processes:

    mpirun -n 2 ./laplace_regular ../

    If you now look into the out directory (ls -l out), you’ll see that two new files, and, were created by the two processes. The file is still the old one from the single process.

    Now plot the new files, either plot out/ out/ or shorter plot out/laplace.*.py. The result is the same.

    Check that the results from the serial and parallel are actually the same using the following helper script: out/*
  • The created python output files are human-readable (because “binary”:False is set in the settings file). You can open them in an editor and see what they contain. There is also the catpy script for formatted printing on the console:

    catpy out/
  • With the current settings, also the Paraview files are human-readable. You can also open e.g. out/laplace.vtr in an editor. Also try loading the .pvtr file in Paraview. For big files it is better to produce binary files.

    In the settings file change “binary”:False to “binary”:True in the output writers. Now if you run the program again you’ll get binary files that can’t be read in a text editor. However, the plot, validate_parallel and catpy utilities still work.

  • If you know cmgui, the visualization tool of OpenCMISS Zinc, you can also generate exnode and exelem output files for cmgui. Add the line

    {"format": "Exfile", "filename": "out/laplace"},

    to the “OutputWriter” list in file (line 40). (More details at OutputWriter.)

    After running the program again, you get the output files laplace.exelem, laplace.exnode and in the out directory. The .com file is a convienient perl script that sets up the visualization in cmgui (OpenCMISS Iron won’t generate this for you.). Change into the out directory and simply run cmgui In the Scene Editor click on / and then the surface item. Under data, select solution as the field variable that will be shown in color. Now you can tilt the view in the Graphics window to see the solution.

  • Now you know the basics how to run a simulation program.

    Next, you can try to change parameters in the settings file, like number of elements (variables m and n), the physicalExtent or try to understand, how the Dirichlet boundary conditions were specified.

    Note, that because this example uses a Mesh::StructuredRegularFixedOfDimension<2> mesh (in the cpp source file), we can only have elements with quadratic shape, i.e. physicalExtent and nElements have to match. You can look into the laplace_structured.cpp example file, which uses a structured mesh, that can have different mesh width in x and y direction or even arbitrary node positions.

  • The settings files use python syntax and are actually Python scripts. This means you can execute any Python code there, for example load your own custom geometry or input data files and set the options appropriately.

    The general documentation of the options is given on the Python Settings pages.

  • To execute some of the more advanced electrophysiology examples, you’ll need special input files like a muscle geometry. These are too large to have in git. Download the files and put them in the examples/electrophysiology/input directory.

  • If you now continue to use OpenDiHu, you can read the Python Settings pages for reference. If anything is unclear, do not hesitate to ask. If you have improvements concerning the formulations on this website or can contribute to writing the documentation, come in contact!