Python Settings
The following pages contain all settings that are possible to specify for the different objects. This is the user documentation that provides information outside of the C++ code.
- Mesh
- MappingsBetweenMeshes
- Solver
- Boundary Conditions
- Connector Slots
- FiniteElementMethod
- TimeSteppingSchemesOde
- Operator Splitting
- Coupling
- MultipleCoupling
- OutputWriter
- OutputSurface
- MultidomainSolver
- MultipleInstances
- FastMonodomainSolver
- CellMLAdapter
- QuasiStaticLinearElasticitySolver
- StaticBidomainSolver
- Hyperelasticity
- Dynamic hyperelasticity
- Muscle contraction solver
- PrescribedValues
- Dummy
- MapDofs
- C++ code
- Python settings
- nAdditionalFieldVariables
- additionalSlotNames
- meshName
- beforeComputation and afterComputation
- fromConnectorSlot and toConnectorSlots
- fromOutputConnectorArrayIndex and toOutputConnectorArrayIndex
- mode
- “fromDofNosNumbering” and “toDofNosNumbering”
- dofsMapping
- inputDofs
- outputDofs
- callback
- Exemplary solver structure
- PreciceAdapter