This class solves the static bidomain equation. It can be used to compute the electromyography (EMG) signal in a muscle from \(V_m\) values on the fibers.
The value to be solved for is the extra-cellular potential, \(\phi_e\) which corresponds to the EMG values. The input is the transmembrane potential, \(V_m\). It should be provided to the StaticBidomainSolver by the connector slot Vm
C++ instantiation
The StaticBidomainSolver class needs two FiniteElementMethod classes, the first for a potential flow to estimate fiber directions (for the conductivity tensors), the second one for the actual gradient operator of the equation.
SpatialDiscretization::FiniteElementMethod< //FEM for initial potential flow, fiber directions
SpatialDiscretization::FiniteElementMethod< // anisotropic diffusion
Python Settings
The python settings are as given below. The values for "PotentialFlow"
and "Activation"
are the same as for a FiniteElementMethod.
"StaticBidomainSolver": {
"timeStepWidth": variables.dt_3D,
"timeStepOutputInterval": 50,
"durationLogKey": "duration_bidomain",
"solverName": "activationSolver",
"initialGuessNonzero": variables.emg_initial_guess_nonzero,
"slotNames:" [],
"PotentialFlow": {
"FiniteElementMethod" : {
"meshName": "3Dmesh",
"solverName": "potentialFlowSolver",
"prefactor": 1.0,
"dirichletBoundaryConditions": variables.potential_flow_dirichlet_bc,
"neumannBoundaryConditions": [],
"inputMeshIsGlobal": True,
"Activation": {
"FiniteElementMethod" : {
"meshName": "3Dmesh",
"solverName": "activationSolver",
"prefactor": 1.0,
"inputMeshIsGlobal": True,
"dirichletBoundaryConditions": {},
"neumannBoundaryConditions": [],
"diffusionTensor": [[ # sigma_i, fiber direction is (1,0,0), one list item = same tensor for all elements, multiple list items = a different tensor for each element
8.93, 0, 0,
0, 0.893, 0,
0, 0, 0.893
"extracellularDiffusionTensor": [[ # sigma_e, one list item = same tensor for all elements, multiple list items = a different tensor for each element
6.7, 0, 0,
0, 6.7, 0,
0, 0, 6.7,
"OutputWriter" : variables.output_writer_emg, # list of output writers
A list of strings, names for the connector slots. Each name should be smaller or equal than 10 characters. In general, named slots are used to connect the slots from a global setting “connectedSlots”. See Connector Slots for details.