
A CellMLAdapter class is used to run a CellML model. It uses a code generator to produce efficient code for the given model at compile time.

The given CellML model is always computed for all nodes of a mesh, i.e. there are multiple instances being computed. By specifying a mesh with 0 elements, you get a single instance of the model.

A CellML model is a first-order differential-algebraic system of equations (DAE) of the following form:

\[\begin{split}\frac{\partial \textbf{y}}{\partial t} = f(t,\textbf{y}(t),\textbf{h}(t),\hat{\textbf{c}},\hat{\textbf{p}}(t)) \\ \textbf{h}(t) = g(\textbf{y}(t),\hat{\textbf{c}},\hat{\textbf{p}}(t))\end{split}\]

The values \(\textbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^n\) are called states and will be integrated in time using a timestepping scheme. There are also the algebraic values, \(\textbf{h}\), which are not integrated. A set of parameters, \(\hat{\textbf{p}}\), can be defined in the settings and changed over time. There are also constants , \(\hat{\textbf{c}}\), that are given in the CellML model and cannot be changed.

There exist several different names for the quantities \(\textbf{y}, \frac{\partial \textbf{y}}{\partial t}, \textbf{h}\) and \(\hat{\textbf{p}}\):





computed by model

initial values can be set





by timestepping


\(\frac{\partial \textbf{y}}{\partial t}\)
























Initially the CellML model does not have any ‘parameters’, all values are given some defined value. In opendihu, any constants and algebraics can be transformed into parameters and then have changing values assigned. This is done by the options parametersUsedAsAlgebraic and parametersUsedAsConstant.


The following C++ code shows the typical usage inside a time stepping scheme to solve the model:

  CellmlAdapter<57,1>  // nStates,nAlgebraics: 57,71 = Shorten, 4,9 = Hodgkin Huxley

The two template arguments of CellmlAdapter are the number of states and the number of algebraics. This has to match the actual numbers of the CellML model that is to be computed. Consequently, when a specific model should be computed, the CellmlAdapter has be adjusted.

If the numbers are not correct a corresponding error will be shown from which the correct numbers can be determined.

Note that only explicit timestepping schemes are possible, which is current TimeSteppingScheme::ExplicitEuler or TimeSteppingScheme::Heun.

There is an optional third template argument which specifies the function space, on which the CellML instances will be solved.

  CellmlAdapter<57,1,FunctionSpace<Mesh::StructuredDeformableOfDimension<1>,BasisFunction::LagrangeOfOrder<1>>>  // nStates,nAlgebraics: 57,71 = Shorten, 4,9 = Hodgkin Huxley

This template argument is required if the mesh should be reused. E.g., for Monodomain eq. there is a splitting scheme with CellML and Diffusion and both parts use the same mesh. Then you have to assert that the mesh is the same type in the diffusion and here, e.g. by setting the mesh to structured deformable, as shown above.

The default FunctionSpace is FunctionSpace::Generic which is the following typedef:

typedef FunctionSpace<Mesh::StructuredRegularFixedOfDimension<1>,BasisFunction::LagrangeOfOrder<1>> Generic;
"CellML": {
  "modelFilename":                          "../../input/hodgkin_huxley_1952.c",    # CellML file (xml) or C++ source file
  #"libraryFilename":                       "cellml_simd_lib.so",                   # (optional) filename of a compiled library, overrides modelFilename
  #"statesInitialValues":                   [],                                     # (optional) initial values of all states, if not set, values from CellML model are used
  "initializeStatesToEquilibrium":          False,                                  # if the equilibrium values of the states should be computed before the simulation starts
  "initializeStatesToEquilibriumTimestepWidth": 1e-4,                               # if initializeStatesToEquilibrium is enable, the timestep width to use to solve the equilibrium equation

  # optimization parameters
  "optimizationType":                       "simd",                                 # "vc", "simd", "openmp" or "gpu": type of generated optimizated source file
  "approximateExponentialFunction":         True,                                   # if optimizationType is "vc" or "gpu", whether the exponential function exp(x) should be approximate by (1+x/n)^n with n=1024
  "compilerFlags":                          "-fPIC -O3 -march=native -shared ",     # compiler flags used to compile the optimized model code
  "maximumNumberOfThreads":                 0,                                      # if optimizationType is "openmp", the maximum number of threads to use. Default value 0 means no restriction.
  "useAoVSMemoryLayout":                    use_aovs_memory_layout,                 # if optimizationType is "vc", whether to use the Array-of-Vectorized-Stru    ct (AoVS) memory layout instead of the Struct-of-Vectorized-Array (SoVA) memory layout. Setting to True is faster.

  # stimulation callbacks
  #"setSpecificParametersFunction":         set_specific_parameters,                # callback function that sets parameters like stimulation current
  #"setSpecificParametersCallInterval":     int(1./stimulation_frequency/dt_0D),    # set_specific_parameters should be called every 1/stimulation_frequency seconds
  "setSpecificStatesFunction":              set_specific_states,                    # callback function that sets states like Vm, activation can be implemented by using this method and directly setting Vm values, or by using setSpecificParameters
  #"setSpecificStatesCallInterval":         2*int(1./stimulation_frequency/dt_0D),  # set_specific_states should be called stimulation_frequency times per ms, the factor 2 is needed because every Heun step includes two calls to rhs
  "setSpecificStatesCallInterval":          0,                                      # call intervall of the set_specific_states function, 0 means use setSpecificStatesCallFrequency instead
  "setSpecificStatesCallFrequency":         get_specific_states_call_frequency,     # set_specific_states should be called stimulation_frequency times per ms
  "setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter":       get_specific_states_frequency_jitter,   # list of values to add or substract to setSpecificStatesCallFrequency every stimulation, this is to add random jitter to the frequency
  "setSpecificStatesRepeatAfterFirstCall":  0.01,                                   # [ms] simulation time span for which the setSpecificStates callback will be called after a call was triggered
  "setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin":       get_specific_states_call_enable_begin,  # [ms] first time when to call setSpecificStates
  "additionalArgument":                     fiber_no,                               # any additional value that will be given to the callback functions

  "mappings": {                                                                     # mappings between parameters and algebraics/constants and between connectorSlots and states, algebraics or parameters
    ("parameter", 0):           ("constant", "membrane/i_Stim"),                    # parameter 0 is mapped to constant with name "membrane/i_Stim"
    ("connectorSlot", 0):       ("state", "membrane/V"),                            # as output connector slot 0 expose state with name "membrane/V"

  #"algebraicsForTransfer":                 [],                                    # alternative way of specifying "mappings": which algebraic values to use in further computation
  #"statesForTransfer":                     [0],                                   # alternative way of specifying "mappings": which state values to use in further computation, Shorten / Hodgkin Huxley: state 0 = Vm
  #"parametersUsedAsAlgebraic":             [32],                                  # alternative way of specifying "mappings": list of algebraic value indices, that will be set by parameters. Explicitely defined parameters that will be copied to algebraics, this vector contains the indices of the algebraic array. This is ignored if the input is generated from OpenCMISS generated c code.
  #"parametersUsedAsConstant":              [65],                                  # alternative way of specifying "mappings": list of constant value indices, that will be set by parameters. This is ignored if the input is generated from OpenCMISS generated c code.
  "parametersInitialValues":                [0.0, 1.0],                            # initial values for the parameters, e.g. I_Stim, l_hs
  "meshName":                               "MeshFiber_{}".format(fiber_no),
  "stimulationLogFilename":                 "out/stimulation.log",

In the following all parameters will be explained.


This is the filename of the CellML model file. It can either be the XML file or a C/C++ code file. If it is an XML file, opendihu will use OpenCOR to convert it to a C source code file first. Afterwards, opendihu will generate optimized C code (using the options given by the optimization parameters) and will store it as another file in the src subdirectory. The code will be compiled to a shared library (extension ’*.so’) that will get loaded at runtime of the simulation. The shared library will be stored in the lib subdirectory.


Optional, if given, it should be the filename of a shared object library (.so) that will be used to compute the model. This will be used instead of the model given in *modelFilename. Usually this is only used to reuse library created by opendihu earlier.


Optional. Default: “CellML”

If statesInitialValues is a list, it should contain an initial value for each state of the CellML model. If there are multiple instances all instances will be initialized by the same values.

If statesInitialValues is set to CellML, the initial values will be taken from the CellML model file (either XML or C). Usually this is what you want.

If statesInitialValues is set to undefined, no initial values will be set and the outer time stepping scheme can set initial values by giving “initialValues”.

initializeStatesToEquilibrium and initializeStatesToEquilibriumTimestepWidth

If initializeStatesToEquilibrium is set to True, equilibrum values of the states in the CellML model will be computed before the simulation starts. Then, these values will be used to initialize the states.

Given the CellML model as

\[\frac{\partial \textbf{y}}{\partial t} = f(t,\textbf{y}(t),\textbf{h}(t),\hat{\textbf{c}},\hat{\textbf{p}}(t)),\]

the equation is solved by a 4th order Runge-Kutta timestepping scheme, until

\[\Vert\frac{\partial \textbf{y}}{\partial t}\Vert < \epsilon\]

is reached, with \(\epsilon = 1e-5\). The timestep width of the Runge-Kutta scheme can be given by initializeStatesToEquilibriumTimestepWidth. If an instability with this timestep width is detected (any value gets inf or nan), the timestep width will be decreased automatically and the computation will be restarted.

The resulting equilibrium values and the residuals are written to a file <modelfilename>_equilibrium_values.txt, where <modelfilename> is the file name of the model. An example for such a file is given below:

// Result of computation of equilibrium values for the states by opendihu on 2020/2/29 10:17:12
// Number of iterations: 10000000, dt: 0.0015625
// Maximum ∂u/∂t = 0.0424747 for state 28
// (If this is a high value, it indicates that the equilibrium was not fully reached.)

state[0] = -81.0764;      // residuum: 3.15938e-05
state[1] = -81.0242;      // residuum: 3.15353e-05
state[2] = 7.25855;       // residuum: 5.68619e-06
(...more lines follow...)
state[53] = 0.00249843;   // residuum: 1.95519e-11
state[54] = 0.213378;     // residuum: -6.67943e-07
state[55] = 0.228239;     // residuum: -1.38375e-06
state[56] = 2.8029e-10;   // residuum: -1.57379e-13

  Line to copy for settings:
  "statesInitialValues": [-81.0764, -81.0242, 7.25855, 150.928, 6.13908, 12.6374, 131.485, 132.853, 0.00809159, 0.995921, 0.0312117, 0.546801, 0.784615, 0.0081521, 0.995806, 0.0314177, 0.544509, 0.783771, 1.75163e-06, 5.90311e-06, 7.46021e-06, 4.19024e-06, 8.82585e-07, 0.875814, 0.118062, 0.00596817, 0.000134088, 1.12971e-06, -1580.24, 0.0284811, 53.9751, 0.0284799, 1687.43, 2.98746, 615, 615, 811, 811, 1283.85, 17808.2, 0.107779, 0.107778, 7243.03, 7243.03, 756.867, 756.867, 956.975, 956.975, 0.0343446, 0.0102602, 0.0136077, 0.0314302, 0.00312304, 0.00249843, 0.213378, 0.228239, 2.8029e-10],

The last line can be copy&pasted into the settings file and then specifies the initial values to be used in the next run.


A CellMLAdapter can have several callback functions. These are python functions that will be called in regular time intervals during the computation and can alter values of the computation. They can be used, e.g., to stimulate a subcellular model at specific times.

The different callback functions and their time step interval by which the functions will be called are listed below. All of them will get the value of the option additionalArgument as its last argument. Like this it is possible to distinguish different instances in the functions when CellMLAdapter is nested inside MultipleInstances. This is the case for multiple fibers, where the additionalArgument can be the fiber number.

setSpecificParametersFunction and setSpecificParametersCallInterval

Callback function and time step interval by which the function will be called. This function can change some parameters and has the following signature:

def set_specific_parameters(n_dofs_global, timestep_no, current_time, global_parameters, additional_argument):
  # n_dofs_global:  (int) global number of dofs in the mesh, i.e. number of CellML instances to be computed
  # timestep_no:    (int)   current time step number, advances by the value of "setSpecificParametersCallInterval"
  # current_time:   (float) the current simulation time
  # global_parameters:  (dict)  initially an empty dict, the parameters to be changed should be indicated in this dict (see below)
  # additional_argument: The value of the option "additionalArgument", can be any Python object.

  # set parameters using calls like the following

  global_parameters{([x,y,z], nodal_dof_index, parameter_no)} = value
  # [x,y,z] are the global coordinates of the node to set the parameter
  # nodal_dof_index is the dof number of the node, usually 0. Only for Hermite ansatz functions it can be higher.
  # parameter_no is the parameter number to set
  # value is the new parameter value

Fig. 112 Example mesh with two subdomains and global natural ordering of the nodes.

For example, consider a mesh as in Fig. 112 where a CellML model is computed on each node. The mesh is partitioned to two subdomains. Rank 0 computes the grey nodes, rank 1 computes the blue nodes. The global natural ordering is given in the figure.

Then, on rank 0, dof_nos_global_natural will contain the list [0,1,4,5,8,9] and on rank 1, the list will be [2,3,6,7,10,11]. This shows to which global nodes the values in the parameters list correspond. With this information, the callback function could decide which parameters to update.

setSpecificStatesFunction and setSpecificStatesCallInterval

Callback function and time step interval by which the function will be called. This function can change some states and has the following signature:

def set_specific_states(n_dofs_global, timestep_no, current_time, global_states, additional_argument):
  # n_dofs_global:  (int) global number of dofs in the mesh, i.e. number of CellML instances to be computed
  # timestep_no:    (int)   current time step number, advances by the value of "setSpecificParametersCallInterval"
  # current_time:   (float) the current simulation time
  # global_states:  (dict)  initially an empty dict, the states to be changed should be indicated in this dict (see below)
  # additional_argument: The value of the option "additionalArgument", can be any Python object.

  # set states using calls like the following

  global_states{([x,y,z], nodal_dof_index, state_no)} = value
  # [x,y,z] are the global coordinates of the node for which to set the state
  # nodal_dof_index is the dof number of the node, usually 0. Only for Hermite ansatz functions it can be higher.
  # state_no is the state number to set
  # value is the new state value

If setSpecificStatesFunction will be called, this happens during the time step update just before each evaluation of the right hand side / the CellML model. I.e. for Heun’s method it will be called up to twice per time step (depending on the other setSpecificStates* settings).

setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin, setSpecificStatesCallFrequency and setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter

If setSpecificStatesCallInterval is set to 0, the times when to call setSpecificStatesFunction are given by setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin, setSpecificStatesCallFrequency and setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter.

With these options, it is possible to efficiently specify a repeating pattern of calling the callback function. This is the recommended way to model a frequency encoded stimulation.

The first call of the callback is at simulation time setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin. Using this parameter, a “ramp” can be modelled. The callback is then called according to the frequency in setSpecificStatesCallFrequency. The frequency is \(1/T\) and thus does not count timesteps, as with setSpecificStatesCallInterval, but uses the simulation time directly.

The frequency is modulated by applying a relative jitter, given in a list by setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter. The jitter values are taken from the list and repeated. A value of 0 indicates no jitter, i.e. the frequency is met exactly. E.g., a value of 1.1 means a 10% longer time between subsequent calls to the function.

After the callback was called it will be repeated in the next timesteps setSpecificStatesRepeatAfterFirstCall times. Using this setting, a “square” signal can be modelled.

A visualization of the options is shown in Fig. 113.


Fig. 113 Options that influence the stimulation. A time line is shown from left to right. The red blocks are time spans when setSpecificStates will be called. Because setSpecificStates usually checks a firing times file whether or not to activate the fiber, it can make sense to use the file “MU_firing_times_always.txt”. This file always indicates stimulation. Thus, the spike trains are completely determined by the options setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin, setSpecificStatesCallFrequency and setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter.

handleResultFunction and handleResultCallInterval

Callback function and time step interval by which the function will be called. This function can be used to postprocess the result and has the following signature:

def handle_result(n_instances, time_step_no, current_time, states_list, algebraics_list, name_information, additional_argument):
  # n_instances:         (int) local number of CellML instances to be computed
  # time_step_no:        (int)   current time step number, advances by the value of "setSpecificParametersCallInterval"
  # current_time:        (float) the current simulation time
  # states_list:         (list of floats) all local state values in struct-of-array memory layout,
  #                       i.e. [instance0state0, instance1state0, ... instanceNstate0, instance0state1, instance1state1, ...]
  # algebraics_list:  (list of floats) all local algebraic values in struct-of-array memory layout,
  #                       i.e. [instance0algebraic0, instance1algebraic0, ... instanceNalgebraic0, instance0algebraic1, instance1algebraic1, ...]
  # name_information:    a map with the keys "stateNames" and "algebraicNames", contains lists of all CellML names of the states and algebraics
  # additional_argument: The value of the option "additionalArgument", can be any Python object.

  # asign some states to variables
  Vm = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("membrane/V") * n_instances]
  Ca_1 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/Ca_1") * n_instances]
  A_1 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/A_1") * n_instances]
  A_2 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/A_2") * n_instances]
  x_1 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/x_1") * n_instances]
  x_2 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/x_2") * n_instances]

  # assign some algebraics to variables
  active_stress = algebraics[name_information["algebraicNames"].index("razumova/activestress") * n_instances]
  activation = algebraics[name_information["algebraicNames"].index("razumova/activation") * n_instances]

The example shows how one can access the state and algebraic variables by their name. The call to


gives the index of the state with the given name. Because the data for all locally computed instances is contained in the states array, we need to multiply this index with n_instances to get the first entry of the given state. This is now the index in states for the first instance. If the problem is monodomain on a fiber, in order to get the value at the center, use

Ca_1 = states[name_information["stateNames"].index("razumova/Ca_1") * n_instances + int(n_instances/2)]

How to specify mappings of states, algebraics and parameters

The algebraics and constants in the CellML model can be replaced by so-called parameters. It is possible to define an arbitrary number of parameters (not completely arbitrary - the number has to be lower than the number of algebraics). These parameters act like constants during computation of the model. After each computation, their values can be changed either by callback functions or, if they are connected via an output slot to another solver, the values are set by the other solver.

The model to be computed appears as if the specified algebraics and constants had been replaced by the respective parameters. This replacement relation is called mapping and can be defined in two different ways: the older way is by setting parametersUsedAsAlgebraic and parametersUsedAsConstant. The newer and recommended way is by using mappings.

Furthermore, some of the states and algebraics as well as some parameters can be connected to an output slot of the timestepping scheme and thereby reused by a different solver within a coupling or operator splitting scheme. Which states, algebraics and parameters to connect can again be specified in two ways: either by algebraicsForTransfer and statesForTransfer and parametersForTransfer or by mappings.

These settings will be explained in the following.


(list of int) List of algebraic numbers that will be replaced by parameters. There are explicitely defined parameter values that will be copied to these algebraics. This vector contains the indices of the algebraic array. Note, that these values can also be set by the mappings option, which is more clear.


(list of int) List of indices, which constants in the computation will be replaced by parameters. Note, that these values can also be set by the mappings option, which is more clear.

algebraicsForTransfer and statesForTransfer

(list of ints) Which algebraics and states should be transferred to the other solver in either a Coupling, GodunovSplitting or StrangSplitting.

The total number of field variables to be transferred is the sum of the length of these two settings (+number of parameters if specified).

Note, that these values can also be set by the mappings option, which is more clear.


(list of float) List of values of the parameters. This also defines the number of parameters.


parametersInitialValues = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
parametersUsedAsAlgebraic = [5, 2]

This example will compute the given CellML model with the following modifications: The algebraic/algebraic values algebraics[5] and algebraics[2] will not be computed by the model, but get the values 1.0 and 2.0. These values may be changed later using one of the callback functions. The variable constants[10] will be set to 3.0 and not changed.


(dict) Under mapping it is possible to specify the connection of parameters to algebraics and constants, as well as the connection of connectorSlots to states, algebraics and parameters. An example is given below (the actual names are only dummies and make no sense):

"mappings" : {
    ("parameter", 0):           ("algebraic", "wal_environment/I_HH"),
    ("parameter", 1):           ("constant", "razumova/L_x"),

    ("connectorSlot", 0):       ("state", "wal_environment/vS"),
    ("connectorSlot", 1):       ("state", 5),
    ("connectorSlot", 2):       ("state", "potassium_channel_n_gate/n"),
    ("connectorSlot", 2):       "potassium_channel_n_gate/n",             # alternative
    ("connectorSlot", 3, "A"):  ("algebraic", "leakage_current/i_L"),
    ("connectorSlot", 3, "A"):  "leakage_current/i_L",                    # alternative
    ("connectorSlot", "slotB"): ("parameter", 0),
    ("connectorSlot", "lambda"):("constant", "razumova/L_S"),         # expose fiber stretch to get the current fiber stretch from the mechanics solver

The value of mappings is a Python Dict. Each key (left hand side) has one of the following formats:

  • ("parameter", 0) to specify a parameter with given number. The number is needed to identify the initial values for the parameters.

  • ("connectorSlot", 0) where 0 can be any integer number, to specify a connector slot, the number is arbitrary and is only used to order multiple slots in relation to each other.

  • ("connectorSlot", "slotA") here with a slot name, the name has to be maximum 10 characters long.

  • ("connectorSlot", 0, "slotA") This is a combination of the two formats above, it specifies a slot name and also a number for ordering the slots.

The value that corresponds to the key (right hand side) of one mappings item is a two-element tuple or string of the form

  • ("name", "cellml name")

  • or ("name", 0)

  • or "cellml name",

where "name" has to be either "constant", "state", "algebraic" or "parameter". The "cellml name" is the name of the variable in the CellML model in the form "componentName/variableName" and 0 can be any valid index. This means, it is possible to identify, e.g. a state by its name as well as by its index in the C code file. If there is no tuple but only the “cellml name”, it will be determine automatically if it is a state, algebraic or constant by searching among all available cellml names.

For the parameters, the index must start with 0 and increase by one for all further parameters. As already mentioned, the mapped variable for a parameter can be an “algebraic” or a “constant”. The beginning of the parameters list must all map to algebraics and the rest must map to constants. I.e., every constant must be mapped to a parameter with lower index than all the parameters that are mapped to algebraics. The specified mappings will internally be transferred to the parametersUsedAsAlgebraic and parametersUsedAsConstant lists that can otherwise also be set directly by these options.

Also for the “connectorSlots” there is a required order. At first, all mapped “states” have to be given, then all “algebraics” and then all “parameters”.

Note that the values of parameters will not be changed by the CellML model. If you need to reuse values computed within the CellML model, use states or algebraics. The purpose of connecting parameters to output slots is to allow the initial parameter value to be set by a different solver.

Typical mappings and initial values of parameters by commonly used cellml models (in variable cellml_file) are given below. Note that these do not set slot names. But for more complex examples it would be good to add slot names.

# set variable mappings for cellml model
if "hodgkin_huxley" in cellml_file:
  # parameters: I_stim
  mappings = {
    ("parameter", 0):     ("constant", "membrane/i_Stim"),      # parameter 0 is constant 2 = I_stim
    ("connectorSlot", 0): ("state", "membrane/V"),              # expose state 0 = Vm to the operator splitting
  parameters_initial_values = [0.0]                         # initial value for stimulation current

elif "shorten" in cellml_file:
  # parameters: stimulation current I_stim, fiber stretch λ
  mappings = {
    ("parameter", 0):     ("algebraic", "wal_environment/I_HH"), # parameter is algebraic 32
    ("parameter", 1):     ("constant", "razumova/L_x"),             # parameter is constant 65, fiber stretch λ, this indicates how much the fiber has stretched, 1 means no extension
    ("connectorSlot", 0): ("state", "wal_environment/vS"),          # expose state 0 = Vm to the operator splitting
  parameters_initial_values = [0.0, 1.0]                        # stimulation current I_stim, fiber stretch λ

elif "slow_TK_2014" in cellml_file:   # this is (3a, "MultiPhysStrain", old tomo mechanics) in OpenCMISS
  # parameters: I_stim, fiber stretch λ
  mappings = {
    ("parameter", 0):     ("constant", "wal_environment/I_HH"), # parameter 0 is constant 54 = I_stim
    ("parameter", 1):     ("constant", "razumova/L_S"),         # parameter 1 is constant 67 = fiber stretch λ
    ("connectorSlot", 0): ("state", "wal_environment/vS"),      # expose state 0 = Vm to the operator splitting
    ("connectorSlot", 1): ("algebraic", "razumova/stress"),     # expose algebraic 12 = γ to the operator splitting
    ("connectorSlot", "lambda"):("constant", "razumova/L_S"),   # expose fiber stretch to get the current fiber stretch from the mechanics solver
  parameters_initial_values = [0.0, 1.0]                    # wal_environment/I_HH = I_stim, razumova/L_S = λ

elif "Aliev_Panfilov_Razumova_2016_08_22" in cellml_file :   # this is (3, "MultiPhysStrain", numerically more stable) in OpenCMISS, this only computes A1,A2,x1,x2 not the stress
  # parameters: I_stim, fiber stretch λ, fiber contraction velocity \dot{λ}
  mappings = {
    ("parameter", 0):     ("constant", "Aliev_Panfilov/I_HH"),  # parameter 0 is constant 0 = I_stim
    ("parameter", 1):     ("constant", "Razumova/l_hs"),        # parameter 1 is constant 8 = fiber stretch λ
    ("parameter", 2):     ("constant", "Razumova/velo"),        # parameter 2 is constant 9 = fiber contraction velocity \dot{λ}
    ("connectorSlot", 0): ("state", "Aliev_Panfilov/V_m"),      # expose state 0 = Vm to the operator splitting
    ("connectorSlot", 1): ("algebraic", "Razumova/sigma"),      # expose algebraic 0 = γ to the operator splitting
  parameters_initial_values = [0, 1, 0]                     # Aliev_Panfilov/I_HH = I_stim, Razumova/l_hs = λ, Razumova/velo = \dot{λ}

elif "Aliev_Panfilov_Razumova_Titin" in cellml_file:   # this is (4, "Titin") in OpenCMISS
  # parameters: I_stim, fiber stretch λ, fiber contraction velocity \dot{λ}
  mappings = {
    ("parameter", 0):     ("constant", "Aliev_Panfilov/I_HH"),  # parameter 0 is constant 0 = I_stim
    ("parameter", 1):     ("constant", "Razumova/l_hs"),        # parameter 1 is constant 11 = fiber stretch λ
    ("parameter", 2):     ("constant", "Razumova/rel_velo"),    # parameter 2 is constant 12 = fiber contraction velocity \dot{λ}
    ("connectorSlot", 0): ("state", "Aliev_Panfilov/V_m"),      # expose state 0 = Vm to the operator splitting
    ("connectorSlot", 1): ("algebraic", "Razumova/ActiveStress"),   # expose algebraic 4 = γ to the operator splitting
    ("connectorSlot", 2): ("algebraic", "Razumova/Activation"),     # expose algebraic 5 = α to the operator splitting
  parameters_initial_values = [0, 1, 0]                     # Aliev_Panfilov/I_HH = I_stim, Razumova/l_hs = λ, Razumova/rel_velo = \dot{λ}


The mesh to use, to be defined under “Meshes”. For details, see Python settings for Mesh. You can instead also just specify nElements to directly set the number of instances to be computed.

If no mesh is specified at all, the standard is "nElements": 0. This corresponds to 1 node, i.e. one instance of the CellML problem. There will be the warning about the missing nElements though.


Default: “out/stimulation.log”

A file name of an output file that will contain all firing times.


Possible values: simd, vc, openmp or gpu. Which type of code to generate. openmp produces code for shared-memory parallelization, using OpenMP. simd produces auto-vectorizable code. vc produces explicitly vectorized code (fastest). gpu is only available if the FastMonodomainSolver is used.

See also the notes on vc about AVX-512 on the page of FastMonodomainSolver.


Additional compiler flags for the compilation of the source file. Default: -fPIC -finstrument-functions -ftree-vectorize -fopt-info-vec-optimized=vectorizer_optimized.log -shared

When compiled in release target, -O3 is added. In debug target, -O0 -ggdb is added. If optimizationType is openmp, -fopenmp is added.