
Over time, numerous people make changes in the code. The following list aims to give an overview who was using it when and in which context. Please update the list with new people. Only people that contributed to the code are listed, not solely “users”. Most recent on top:

  • Matthias Tompert

    • Bachelor thesis with Benjamin

    • 06/2020 - 12/2020

    • Parser for python settings and c++ main files, web application and/or GUI to edit existing examples and create new ones

  • Marius Nitzsche

    • Master thesis with Benjamin and Aaron

    • 09/2019 - 09/2020

    • Parallel-in-time algorithm for Multidomain, Integrate multigrid-reduction-in-time scheme provided by external library xbraid. Examples: Pint_diffusion, multidomain_no_fat

  • Felix Huber

    • PhD student with Dominik Göddeke and Miriam Mehl, IANS/SGS

    • from 10/2019

  • Sebastian Kreuder

    • Bachelor thesis with Benjamin

    • 11/2018 - 05/2019

    • Heun with adaptive timestep widths, dynamic rebalancing of workload between the processes that compute a single muscle fiber. Implemented LoadBalancing and HeunAdaptive classes.

  • Pascal Litty

    • Bachelor thesis with Nehzat

    • 08/2017 - 02/2018

    • topic same as Nehzat, implemented svd_utility

  • Nehzat Emamy

    • Post-doc with Miriam Mehl

    • 02/2019 - 08/2019

    • Model order reduction, POD-Galerkin and POD-DEIM, prototype in MATLAB, started implementation in opendihu, the snapshot matrix needs to be generated externally. Directories core/src/model_order_reduction and examples/electrophysiology/monodomain/pod.

  • Dominik Sellenthin

    • Bachelor student with Benjamin

    • 02/2018 - 07/2018

    • Quadrature schemes, implemented/investigated Gauss, Clenshaw-Curtis and Newton-Cotes quadratures.

  • Aaron Krämer

    • PhD student with Dominik Göddeke

    • from 03/2018

    • Numerics, GPU offloading with PGI compiler

  • Benjamin Maier

    • PhD student with Miriam Schulte

    • 07/2017 - 05/2021