Build on supercomputer

On Hawk, we have the problem that there is no direct internet access from the login nodes and compute nodes. This makes the installation more difficult.

Git tunnel

Acess to git repositiories, however, is possible by setting up the ssh tunnel:

ssh -N -D 1080 localhost

add the following to your bashrc (replace iccbnmai with your username):

alias hawk='echo "start ssh-tunnel with ssh -N -D 1080 localhost" && ssh -R 7480:localhost:1080'

Then, on the computer that was specified during admission of the account, execute:

ssh -N -D 1080 localhost

And in another shell:


On hawk, add the following to your ~/.gitconfig:

  proxy = socks5://localhost:7480

(Make sure the port number matches, in this case 7480, the same port can be used only once, so maybe use a different number if this port is already occupied.)


To install opendihu on Hawk, load at least the following modules:

module load adios2/2.5.0
module load cmake
module load python
module load mkl
module load zlib  # (needed to build python)


After cloning opendihu, you have to download all required packages on a different computer and transfer them to Hawk.

Then, you can in principle run scons no_tests=TRUE -j 64 on a login node and the dependencies will be installed. If it says something like Downloading…, then interrupt the process and see what is missing.

For some packages, you have to do the installation manually. If you’re done run touch scons_build_success in the dependencies/package/src/package directory, such that scons knows that the package was installed.

In the following, we give some hints how to install some packages. However, you have to figure out the details yourself, adjust the paths, etc.

  • Hints to manually install PETSc:

    Download the dependencies for PETSc, e.g., to dependencies/petsc_downloads:

    total 41M
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 5,5M Apr 18  2020 93baaa8c9.tar.gz
    drwxr-xr-x 4 icbbnmai cbm44102 4,0K Apr 19  2020 bison
    drwxr-xr-x 4 icbbnmai cbm44102 4,0K Apr 19  2020 flex
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 5,8M Apr 18  2020 scotch-v6.0.8.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 5,8M Apr 18  2020 scotch-v6.0.8.tar.gz.1
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 8,0M Apr 18  2020 sundials-2.5.0p1.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 4,6M Apr 18  2020 v2.0.2-p2.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 4,6M Sep 15  2020 v2.1.0-p1.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 3,2M Apr 18  2020 v3.4.2-p2.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 143K Apr 18  2020 v4.0.3-p5.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 281K Apr 18  2020 v5.1.0-p7.tar.gz
    -rw------- 1 icbbnmai cbm44102 2,9M Apr 18  2020 v5.2.1-p2.tar.gz

    Building somehow only works on the login node, not on the compute node.

    export PATH=$PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/flex/install/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/flex/install/lib
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/flex/install/include
    export PATH=$PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/bison/install/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/bison/install/lib
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads/bison/install/include
    module load parmetis/4.0.3-int32-shared mkl/19.1.0 metis/5.1.0-int32-shared scalapack/2.1.0-shared scotch/6.0.9-int32-shared mumps/5.2.1-int32-shared sundials/5.1.0-int32
    ./configure CC=$CC CXX=$CXX FC=$FC F77=$F77 F90=$F90 --prefix=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc/install  --with-shared-libraries=1 --download--fblaslapack=1 --with-packages-download-dir=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc_downloads  --download-hypre \
     --with-debugging=0 COPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' CXXOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' FOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native'
    # to add mumps: --download-mumps --download-scalapack
    # but does not compile
    make PETSC_DIR=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc/src/petsc-3.13.1 PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-c-opt all
    make PETSC_DIR=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2//opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc/src/petsc-3.13.1 PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-c-opt install
  • Hints to manually install python:

    Run the normal configure with the correct --prefix <opendihu>/dependencies/python/install/bin option. Then manually install the python packages numpy, scipy and matplotlib as follows: Download from pip:


    Then run <opendihu>/dependencies/python/install/bin/python -m pip install *.whl.

  • Hints to manually install preCICE:

    cmake \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/precice/install \
      -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/python/install/bin/python3 \
      -DPETSC_DIR=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/petsc/install \
      -DPETSC_COMPILER=mpic++ \
      -DEigen3_ROOT=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/precice/src/precice-2.1.0/eigen-3.3.8 \
      -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/precice/install/libxml2/include/libxml2 \
      -DLIBXML2_LIBRARY=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/precice/install/libxml2/lib/ \
      -DBOOST_ROOT=/lustre/hpe/ws10/ws10.2/ws/icbbnmai-opendihu2/opendihu-hawk-gnu/dependencies/precice/install \
    make -j 64
    make install
  • After having installed the dependencies, run make clean to clear the scons cache and scons no_tests=TRUE -j 64 to build. Set <PACKAGE>_DOWNLOAD = False in to disable the automatic building efforts of scons where have installed it manually.